Over the last couple of weeks I’ve shared my thoughts about getting going even when you’re not ready.
And the advantages of getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Newsletter subscriber Adam Wright writes in on this theme with a cheeky tale of his own:
I remember getting a DJ gig in a pub in London when I must have been about 21 or 22…
I was absolutely not ready for that and I distinctly remember getting there early, checking out what the equipment was AND THEN GOOGLING WHERE THE “ON” BUTTON WAS.
Great message
Tom. Massive advocate of just doing it.
Adam is certainly made of the “wright” stuff and he now DJs in hotspots across Hanoi.
Not a bad return for Googling how to turn on his decks.
And I can’t help think that this is really what life is all about.
How can you be ready until you’ve given it a go?
I don’t see how you can be.
Yet “I’m not ready” is a common warble from
many an unprepared fledgling…
As is “But I know I’ll make mistakes” and “I’m too scared to do that”.
Guess what?
You’ll never be ready. Perfection doesn’t exist. Fear is part of life.
And as wannabe surgeons up and down the country will
know, it’s the “see one, do one, teach one” maxim in a nutshell.
If jumping into theatre to perform lifesaving surgery after watching once from the sidelines is good enough for surgeons, then the same approach is more than good enough for anyone who wants to start a side hustle, or apply for a promotion, or get better at public
speaking, or pursue any hobby, dream or goal.
And no.
Before anyone asks, I’m not advocating being a total fraud.
There’s a difference between having no idea, having some idea, and being an expert.
But having some idea is enough. It really is.
You probably don’t even need to have as much of an idea as you think you do.
It’s not “cutting corners” or “taking shortcuts”.
It’s simply the only way to get going. And yes, to get better.
It’s recognising how life works.
What I’ve found over the last couple of years is that when you embrace how life actually works (instead of how you think it works or how you would like it to work), everything gets a hell of a lot easier.
Because this way you’re flowing with the tide, not pushing against it.
That’s all for today.
p.s. got your own story about not being 100% ready?
Feel free to hit reply and let me know. I’d love to hear.