Back then I had very little idea about what direction to head in.
A few years have gone by since (okay - more than a
few years!) and I’ve learnt some things along the way.
So if I could travel back in time to give myself some unsolicited advice, here’s what I’d say:
*** Start getting curious about what you want. What do you want a typical day in
your life to look like? What do you want to do make the green stuff? Where do you want to live? How do you want to spend your down-time? You won’t have all the answers to these questions, but don’t let that stop you from starting to take a look
*** Get to know yourself. I don’t mean the “surface level” Tom you present to the world or
the Tom who worries about how he’ll come across and what other people think of him. I mean the real Tom. The Tom lies underneath all that
*** Don’t pay too much attention to what your friends are doing, or what your university lecturers or society “expects” or “presumes” you’ll do or want to do with your life. Making choices just because
other people are making those choices (or expect you to make those choices) is a bulletproof recipe for living someone else’s life
*** You already know what you want. You might not know that you know, but once you start to listen, you’ll start to hear
*** Whatever you decide to do, things will turn out just fine
A common theme running through all this?
The question “what do you want?”.
Not “what do you think you want?” or “what should you want?” or "what do you think you should want?”.
These are all very different questions.
I’m talking about
deep down, heart of hearts, unfiltered and uncontaminated wants.
The type of wants that feel true & authentic and usually come with a feeling of peace & clarity.
The sort of wants that set us on fire (in a good way!) and
spark an energising force which helps us to bring these wants into existence.
Asking ourselves what we want is an expansive and powerful question.
And if there’s something you want to create in the world, or you simply want to get
more in touch with want you really, truly want…
You might want (see what I did there?) to consider coaching.
At the core of coaching is helping you create a life which is overflowing with possibility and potential.
If that sounds interesting, more details here:
That’s all for today.
- Tom