Here’s what digital
marketing manager Jessica had to say after a recent coaching session:
Working with Tom really moved the dial for me.
I came away with a clear action plan and the motivation to take that
Before I worked with Tom I couldn't really see how coaching was for me or whether it would fit into my life. I can see now that to be open to making changes is the first step, then you take the next one.
After working with Tom I had a roadmap and, more crucially, the confidence to move along the way. Thanks Tom!
I'm chuffed for Jessica.
And she makes a great point.
To get the most from coaching, you need to be open to coaching.
That's numero uno.
Sounds obvious?
Well, it goes a bit deeper than it sounds.
I don't mean saying you’re open to coaching or telling yourself you’re open to coaching.
mean actually being open to coaching. Actually wanting coaching in the first place.
It’s like everything else in life.
Saying you're open to learning Spanish or that you want to learn Spanish isn't
the same as taking Spanish classes, practising the language and speaking to the locals next time you're sipping a cerveza in Madrid.
And saying you'd like to get in shape or saying you want to get in shape isn't the same as actually wanting to get in shape. And rolling out of bed at 5.30am to head to your gym class even if it's cold, dark and pissing
with rain.
Needless to say, I’m not here to tell you what you should or shouldn’t want. That’s your call.
But I do think it pays to be honest with yourself about what you do and don’t want.
Why put yourself through the ringer and give yourself a tough time for doing something you don’t even want to do in the first place?
Life is simply more enjoyable when you’re honest with yourself about what you want.
This is why I ask anyone who joins my waiting list a few questions about what they're looking for from coaching. And it’s why I give anyone interested a free, no-obligation, 45 minute Zoom call.
Part of this is for you to see if I’m the right coach for you.
But it’s also for me to get a sense of what you're looking for, and how ready you are.
Something to chew on perhaps.
If you'd like some help chewing it over, you can read more about my coaching here:
That’s all for today.
- Tom