A parable that stands the test of time:
A hotshot banker is taking his annual holiday on a remote desert
One day he comes across a fisherman chilling by the sea. The fisherman has his feet in a hammock, he’s sipping a Corona and his fishing line is cast in
the water.
To the banker’s surprise, crates of freshly caught tuna and marlin are all around. And there’s no-one else in sight.
The fisherman clearly has a prime fishing spot. And he has it all to himself.
The banker’s heart starts to quicken. The cogs in his brain start turning.
He’s spotted what a great business opportunity this could be.
He could lend
the fisherman money to buy a boat, more rods and take on staff. The daily tuna catch could be incredible.
It might require a few years of hard work, training more
fisherman, setting up an office and building up the business.
But down the line the fisherman could make a fortune. And the banker knows he could also make some
juicy fees.
He rubs his hands in glee.
The banker approaches the
fisherman, talks through his idea and finishes by saying:
“In 10 or 20 years you could be rich beyond your wildest dreams. What would you do
To which the fisherman replies…
“I’d find a hammock on a
desert island, grab a Corona and start fishing for tuna”.
A “mic drop” moment if ever there was one.
So what does this story mean for you?
For me, it’s a good reminder that sometimes we don’t realise what we already have…
That we don’t always stop to smell the roses...
That our so-called “dream life” could be right here, right now, rather than always being somewhere in the future…
And that it really can be worth pausing to ask the question “Why?”.
Why am I doing
what I’m doing? Why have I set the goal I’ve set? And why is this so important to me?
To my mind, it’s questions like these which can help make sure you’re heading in the right direction.
Have a great weekend.
- Tom
p.s. would you like some help getting clear on your own answers to these questions?
If so, coaching might be just the ticket.
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