Yesterday I talked about what could've happened if I’d stayed in my job, all based on the fact that I really thought my job was responsible for how fed up, stressed and miserable I was.
When the truth is, it had nothing to do with my job and
everything to do with how I thought about my job.
How could this be?
Well, here’s one way of thinking about it:
Some colleagues approached their work, to-do lists and impending deadlines with the ease and grace of a gazelle springing majestically through the savannah.
Whereas other colleagues (like me)
were running around like headless chickens in a filthy, overcrowded farm-yard, covered in poop, clucking & flapping non-stop and having a thoroughly miserable time of things.
Same office, same desks, same work…
But a completely different experience.
And if one person can be totally relaxed in a “stressful” environment, then it can’t be the environment itself which is stressful.
It has to come down to the person.
Maybe you think “some people are just born this way”. They’re born to be able to move through the world in a cheery, relaxed and peaceful manner.
And maybe they are.
But it’s not a “you either have it or you don’t” type situation.
Anyone can get it.
I’ve seen over and over again how an understanding of how we approach, see or think about our circumstances can radically change our experience of life.
I’m seeing more and more of this for myself too.
Here’s some of what’s happened for me as I go deeper into this world:
- I’m less serious than I used to be
- I take things less personally than before
- I’m a lot more willing to try stuff than I ever was. I attach less meaning to results or outcomes, and life feels freer as a result
- I’ve
pressed play on a number of things which were “on pause” in my life (some of these things have been “on pause” for years)
- Decisions which used to feel heavy, murky and even in some cases like life-or-death now feel like the natural flow of life
- I feel happier than I probably ever have
This is why I said yesterday that work (and life) would’ve looked completely different to me.
And I don’t say any of this to make myself sound impressive.
I couldn’t care less about how I sound.
But I do care about you. So I’m sharing these things with you to show you what’s possible.
And maybe you don’t believe me.
That’s fine. I get it. I probably wouldn’t believe me too.
But even if you don’t, I do have one request.
Stay open to what I’m saying. Don’t dismiss it out of hand.
And if you want to delve deeper into this, coaching might be what you’re looking for.
I’m not taking on new coaching clients at the moment.
But if you’d like to be notified when some slots open up, you can join my waiting list here:
This link has a few more details on the sort of coaching I offer.
And once you’re on the waiting list, you’ll be the first to know when new slots become available.
That’s all for today.
- Tom