Here’s Law 13 from power-hungry Robert Greene’s sly and foxy tome The 48 Laws of Power:
(unlucky for some?)
Law 13: When asking for help, appeal to people’s self-interest. Never to their mercy or gratitude.
If you need to turn to an ally for help, do not bother to remind him of your past assistance and good deeds. He will find a way to ignore you. Instead,
uncover something in your request, or in your alliance with him, that will benefit him, and emphasize it out of all proportion.
He will respond enthusiastically when he sees something to be gained for
Can you think about how you might use this idea?
I’ve thought about it myself. Nothing springs to mind.
So let’s park this
for a moment.
And in the meantime, I’d like to ask you for some help.
See, I’m trying to grow this newsletter.
Do you enjoy my
emails? Can you think of one or two of your friends or colleagues who might enjoy them too?
If so, I’d love it if you hit forward and shared this email. Maybe with a short one-liner which says “Hey Charlie. I think you’d like this guy’s emails”.
I’ve put a handy sign-up link right here for anyone who would like to join:
Before you ask “but Tom, why am I going to do you a favour?”, let me explain.
And I’ll explain without reminding you of the free Work/Life Balance Blueprint I’ve offered to anyone who reads this newsletter (still on offer – just hit reply if you’d like a copy)…
Or the 6 minute Morning Mindset Meditation I created so you can approach your day with a calm and intentional state of mind…
Or the witty, jocular and insightful ideas I share every weekday in these emails…
Or even the opportunity for a free coaching session which I’ve advertised a couple of times.
Why would I remind you of
Instead, think about what forwarding this email to your friends and colleagues will do for YOU!
You’ll look like the font of all knowledge.
A source of insider tips and insights.
You’ll be seen as someone who has their finger on the cutting edge of the world of self-improvement and personal development.
A visionary!
Your reputation as a trusted and reliable source of information will grow exponentially, enhancing your sway among your peers.
Your friends and colleagues will be forever grateful.
Maybe even so grateful they’ll take you out for a slap-up meal and a night on the
Back to the original quote about appealing to self-interest when calling in a favour, and emphasising potential benefits out of all proportion.
I’m still wracking my brains.
Any ideas?
That’s it for today.
- Tom