I’m continuing my never-ending quest to read every book that’s ever been published.
And I stumbled on a book I thought could help me with this goal.
It’s called Immortality: The Quest to Live Forever and How it Drives Civilisation
One part of the book talks about a way to extend your life which is shrouded in magic and mystery:
The life-extending potions which were created by the physicians and sorcerers of yesteryears, using cutting-edge medicine from the time.
There are still records showing the
exact recipes which these renowned sorcerers used for their potions.
Recipes which you might think would contain various herbs and spices like ginseng, turmeric and ginger. Or be stuffed with the ancient superfood equivalents of kale, spirulina and goji berries.
But you’d be wrong.
From the book:
For those who could afford them, the core ingredients were such incorruptible elements as gold, mercury and jade.
Other common components included sulphur, lead and orpiment, a compound of arsenic.
Symptoms would have ranged from headaches, bellyaches, sweating and seizures, to insomnia, irritability, and paranoia.
Now I’m no scientist. But it strikes me that downing a daily dose of
mercury, lead and arsenic is NOT the way to live forever.
And instead is a very good way to shorten your life, regardless of whether you also experience these headaches, seizures and paranoia.
Today we may scoff and chuckle at how the physicians of yesteryear got it so wrong.
Lol noobs!
But the physicians weren’t
actively trying to poison anyone. They were simply doing the best they could with what they knew.
And no doubt they’re not alone.
No doubt there are similar things today we think are so obvious, so normal and so unarguable that the case is closed before it’s even been opened. Yet in the future society will look back in disbelief at how back to front we had things.
My prediction for the most mis-understood aspect of life today?
The human experience.
And in particular, the widespread belief that it’s our
circumstances which cause that experience.
Just like sipping mercury to try and live longer has got things completely back to front, so too is thinking that our circumstances are what cause our experience of life.
The consequences of this thinking?
Worry, stress, anxiety, insecurity, burn-out…
The list goes on.
Just like the bellyaches, seizures, irritability and paranoia that the citizens of yesteryear experienced from downing cocktails of poisonous metals.
The similarities really are
And none of it is happening on purpose. People aren’t choosing to make themselves stressed and anxious deliberately.
But once you see – really see – that our feelings, our problems and even our reality are a product of our thinking, some of these ailments will start to fall away.
It really is as simple as not drinking the poison.
And yes, I know this is a wacky idea.
So wacky, so against the grain that even to suggest it may get some shaky fingers hovering above the unsubscribe button on this email.
But I haven’t lost my proverbial marbles. Nor am I trying to be controversial for the sake of it.
I’m just sharing with you what I’m seeing for myself, what I’m learning, and how
useful and life-changing this can be.
I wouldn’t be doing my duty if I didn’t share this stuff.
And I truly
believe people will look back at our generation and generations before us and be astounded at how back to front we had things.
They’ll understand thought in a way which is as irrefutable as we know the earth is round…
And yes, that drinking mercury isn’t the way to life forever.
I don’t know if it will take 10 years, 100 years or 1,000 years.
But I do know this:
The tide is already beginning to turn. People are starting to twig.
And for anyone willing to take a small chance, suspend their scepticism and not worry what other people think, this life-changing understanding is available right here, right now.
Are you cautiously curious?
Well, you’re already in the right place. I write about these ideas in my emails every now and again.
But if you want to go deeper and explore how this understanding could help you, you might want to consider 1 to
1 coaching.
I’m not taking on new coaching clients right now.
But if you’d like to be notified when some slots open up, you can join the waiting list
This link has
a few more details on the sort of coaching I offer.
And once you’re on the waiting list, you’ll be the first to know when new slots become available.
That’s all for
- Tom