Have I told you about my secret weapon?
My trump card?
The ace up my
I don’t think I have. So today I’m spilling the beans.
I talk, of course, about my eye-mask
Oh, ye may scoff.
But these soft and soothing face covers have been absolute life-savers. And I struggle to count on even one hand the number of times I’ve fallen asleep WITHOUT a pair resting over my droopy eyelids, even if I’m on the road or sleeping in a hammock on a deserted Panamanian beach.
But cheap they ain’t.
They cost £25 a pop on Amazon (maybe £35, can’t remember). But pricey for a few bits of material stuck together with superglue.
Yet the Mindfold (that’s the brand name) could be my
most “value for money” purchase ever.
And I say that without a word of exaggeration.
Because that money covers 8 hours of sleeping time, night after night,
week after week, ad infinitum. And, along with my trusty ear plugs (which I’ll save for a future email), have levelled up my sleep more than duck feather duvets, lavender pillow spray and Matthew McConaughey’s bedtime stories ever could.
Most mornings I wake up rested, energised and
raring to go. And the Mindfold is the reason why.
And you know something?
My eye masks support a theory I
A theory that says this:
If you want a more pleasant experience of life, focus on levelling up the parts of life which will make the biggest
Not a crazy idea, is it?
Sleep is a great example. The one-third of our lives we spend asleep directly
impacts our quality of life for the other two-thirds.
And for me there’s only one other thing that comes close.
One thing that impacts every single moment of my
waking day like a good night’s sleep does.
You may have guessed where I’m going with this by now…
I talk, of course, about coaching.
It’s no exaggeration to say that being coached myself has impacted my own wellbeing beyond belief. And, just like a Mindfold leaves me rested, energised and raring to go, coaching has left me feeling more peaceful, more calm and happier than ever before.
Like sleep, it has impacted my life in every moment of every day.
When I’m awake anyway.
I’m not taking on new coaching clients at the moment.
But if
you’d like to be notified when some slots open up, you can join the waiting list here:
This link has a few more details on the sort of coaching I offer.
And once you’re on the waiting list, you’ll be the first to know when new slots become available.
That’s all for today.
- Tom