There’s a little trick I use to take a worry, problem or tough decision and dial down the intensity factor.
It works without fail.
And I use it all the time.
Even last night, as I lay on my sofa watching the last episode of Jack Ryan, I felt a small worry bead come to mind.
See, I’ve been enjoying a few beers over the last couple of weeks. Despite telling this newsletter in January that I'd be teetotalling this year.
And I was worried.
Have I let my email list down? Have I let myself down?
Thoughts like these were ruminating. And these thoughts didn’t feel particularly
But instead of trying to resolve this worry then and there, and rather than work myself up over it, I did something else.
I went to bed.
And this, in a nutshell, is my trick:
Sleep on things.
I know when I wake up the next morning, any worries or doubts or problems from the day before look different. They don’t have the same complexion.
Don’t get me wrong – they’re still there.
They haven’t gone away.
But in a funny sort of way, sometimes they have.
Occasionally they look so different that they’re not even a problem or a worry any
Even though the situation still exists, it doesn’t look as problematic. It doesn’t look like as much of a big deal.
It’s lighter and calmer. And sometimes the answer has appeared, as if by magic from nowhere.
So I try to use this little trick whenever I can.
Because the “sleep on it” method isn’t a flash-in-the-pan life hack.
It actually works!
And that’s the beauty of it.
So give it a go yourself. And let me know what you think.
That's all for today.
Have a great weekend.
- Tom