Here are a few of the more direct opinions I’ve shared in my daily emails over the last couple of weeks:
- You can predict your future based on who you hang out with
- Our thoughts (not our circumstances) cause our feelings
- Your perception of life can change in an instant
- Preparation is overrated. Instead, just get going
- You’re a 10/10 already. There’s nothing about you which needs to be fixed
Now, you might think I’m leading you in a certain direction with these points.
(why would you think that? 😊)
And I guess I am.
I’m sharing thoughts and ideas which have been helpful to me, on the basis that they might also be helpful to you.
But there’s a bigger game at play here.
Because here’s the thing…
While some of my emails
contain thoughts, suggestions and tips, they’re all my thoughts, suggestions and tips.
They’re not yours.
So I’m not looking for you to agree with me.
Quite the opposite in fact.
I think of my emails as prompts.
They’re the start of the conversation, not the end of it.
A way to get a feel about the right approach for you.
Because this is what it's all about. This "right approach for you" is really the holy grail.
See, there’s no such thing as a global “right way to live your life”.
And listening to, and then following, the do-gooders and fairy godmothers who say that there is a right way to live your life – and then tell you exactly how you should be living your life - is a sure fire way to end up NOT living an authentic or fulfilling life. Or even feel like you’re living your life at all.
It’s just like how we think about happiness, success and fulfilment.
all mean different things to different people.
But you won’t find success or happiness by following someone else’s definition. Not by a long shot.
You need to follow your own.
So sure. I might offer my opinion in these emails.
And you might agree with me or you might not.
But if the emails help you get clearer on your own thoughts and how you want to live your life, then it’s perfect either way.
In fact, it’s just like how I coach.
My coaching isn’t about offering you advice, telling you what to do or pretending to be an expert on you.
The only expert on you is you.
Instead, my coaching can help open up new options for you and uncover new perspectives which go deeper into what’s right for you.
Are you interested?
I’m not taking on new coaching clients at the moment.
But if you’d like to be notified when some slots open up, you can join my waiting list here:
This link has a few more details on the sort of coaching I offer.
And once you’re on the waiting list, you’ll be the first to know when new slots become available.
That’s all for today.
- Tom