A while back, I started drafting an email with the subject line “Do you want to be your boss?”
The idea in the email?
That asking this question could be a good way to “test” where your life is heading, on the basis that you’re following in your bosses shoes and their life today might reveal aspects of your life a few years from now.
Almost like your boss is a real-life crystal ball.
Anyway, that email took a different direction in the end.
But it popped to mind when I stumbled upon a blog post a few days ago from the marvellously named Moxie Marlinspike. The type of fellow who I imagine wears a monocle and
velvet slippers as he taps away on his typewriter.
Moxie’s blog explored the same idea.
Here’s what Mr Marlinspike had to say:
As a young person, I think the best thing you can do is observe the older people working there (place of work).
They are the future you. Do not think that you will be substantially different. Look carefully at how they spend their time at work and outside of work, because
this is also almost certainly how your life will look.
It sounds obvious, but it’s amazing how often young people imagine a different projection for themselves.
Look at the real people, and you’ll see the
honest future for yourself.
I'm sure some people will read this and feel re-assured knowing their future is mapped out ahead of them.
But I daresay others may read this with a sense of dread. They may not like
how that next 10 or 20 years looks. And they may sigh wistfully at the dreams they’d be giving up along the way.
To them I say:
Chin up, sunshine! It’s not all bad news.
Because when Moxie proclaims “Do not think that you will be substantially different”, I stare him straight in his monocled-clad eye and counter with this:
It’s 100% within your gift to change direction or step into a new future.
You can turn your pumpkin into a princess, if that’s what you want to do.
You just have to want it.
That’s the key.
Sitting on the fence or being half-hearted about things won’t help.
But if you have the desire, the drive and the determination to make change happen, then my coaching might help
you with another “D”:
If you want to show Moxie who’s boss:
That’s all for today.
- Tom