Sometimes I use the phrase “dimfluencer” in my emails.
But I’ve never explained what I mean.
Until today.
There are a few ways to spot if your favourite influencer might actually be a dimfluencer - and if something in the kombucha is off.
Here are
some of the tell-tale signs:
*** Dimfluencers tell you to be “unapologetically you”, yet filter & airbrush their photos
*** Dimfluencers post about how they’re “grateful and grounded” while cruising at 40,000 feet in
their private jets (not so grounded there, buddy)
*** Dimfluencers spend hours posing for a single photo while prattling on about “living in the moment”
*** Dimfluencers run their businesses (and their lives, I guess) via
statistics, metrics & trends while preaching the importance of “going with the flow”
*** Dimfluencers bleat on about how “happiness comes from within” while sipping champagne from hotel rooftops in Dubai
Many more
examples I’m sure.
And this sort of flimflam & hanky-panky is one of the reasons I’ve chosen LinkedIn to make the occasional post rather than LinkedIn’s trendier, more fashionable and dimfluencer-friendly cousins.
– LinkedIn’s not perfect. A dimfluencer occasionally pokes his or her head above the parapet.
But on the whole I’ve found LinkedIn to be full of sincere, interesting & supportive folk.
So it's where I’ve
planted my flag.
In case you’d like to connect:
That’s all for today.
- Tom