I harp on a lot about social conditioning in my daily emails.
Anyone tuning in might think I have an axe to grind.
I’d say it’s more a baby mallet than a top-of-the range, high-spec Viking sledgehammer, but I do see it as my duty to write about how social conditioning rears its ugly head in so many corners of life.
I’d argue it goes much further than anyone realises.
Take, for instance, time-wasting.
In my experience, “wasting” time is almost universally frowned upon.
Hard work in whatever form is valued more than rest and
relaxation, or working smart, or even (as scandalous as it sounds) having FREE TIME during your day.
Yet what the naysayers don’t understand is that one man or woman’s waste of time is another’s relaxation, adventure, passion, creative outlet, escape, re-charge or source of joy.
And any backseat driver who tells you that you’re wasting your time is ultimately taking their own view of life, then spreading the misery as far and wide as possible.
Until, like a virus, it catches.
I’m not saying these backseat drivers do it on purpose or that it doesn’t come from a place of care and love. It may well do.
But the consequence is the same:
Whenever anyone wags their finger with enough
force and frequency, spending time on the activities which bring us joy starts to come with a whole load of guilt & grief attached.
So we fall into line and fill our time with the socially acceptable things to do, rather than the things which set our hearts on fire.
To my mind, this is a crying shame.
My time management challenge Time Conqueror, on sale this week, could be part of the antidote.
Time Conqueror isn’t designed for the call-out merchants who
love to judge how everyone else is spending their time.
Instead, it’s for the free thinkers who love to play & explore shamelessly and guilt-free, but simply don’t have enough time to do so.
And for those who get excited
by the prospect of abandoning society’s rulebook and finding out for themselves what works and what doesn’t.
Amongst the tools, tips and tricks, the challenge is “spiced up” with questions and self-enquiries designed to spark insights and actions just for you.
More details here for those who are curious:
Checkout closes at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November.
Tick tock.
- Tom
p.s. Anyone who joins Time Conqueror before the deadline will receive a valuable audio bonus I recorded recently all about over-thinking.
I'm calling this bonus the Busymind Buster.
The production values for this bonus are…how shall I say this?.....
Almost non-existent.
recorded the audio by the canal. The wind is howling in the background and there’s even one point where you can hear a boat tootling past.
As you might gather, the audio is completely pared back and off-the-cuff.
So don’t expect
any bells & whistles. If you’re the sort of person who’d rather own a turd coated in glitter than a diamond wrapped in a crumpled copy of last week’s Daily Mirror, this isn’t the bonus for you.
For everyone else:
What you
can expect is a short little audio (it clocks in at just under 19 mins) where I spill the beans on a few things that have really helped me (and might help you) when it comes to overthinking less.
Plus I give a couple of extremely practical tips which anyone can use right here, right now to get out of their head and into the world.
One last time:
The only way to get a copy of the Busymind Buster bonus is by joining Time Conqueror before the deadline at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November.
Here’s the link:
If you've already joined a previous version of Time Conqueror, this bonus is available to you too. Just reply to this email with the word “gimme!” and I’ll send it right over.
And if you’d like to re-join Time Conqueror as an alumni for a second time (or, for the keen beans, a third time) just reply to this email with “sign me
up!” and I’ll add you to the challenge.
The same deadline (2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November) applies for both.