I can’t stay away from Reddit.
It sucks me in like a black-hole.
The other day I
spotted this post from a user called Impressive_Salt_3765:
So I've recently started my first full-time job...
I'm about a month in and to be completely honest with you, SO FAR...I hate it.
It's not so much my job that I hate, it's more so the feeling that I have no time or energy for me anymore.
As soon as I wake up, I get ready and go to work and then I get home and am so exhausted from work that I really don't have any energy left to dedicate to
myself in any meaningful way.
Rather, I use my time doing shit that gives my brain a quick and easy dopamine boost (like scrolling through social media for hours) and next thing I know, it's time for me to go to sleep because I have to sleep at a decent time to wake up and have enough energy to dedicate to yet another day of work.
And sure there's the weekend, but shit that's not even long enough to feel like I've truly reenergized myself for another 40-hour work week.
Is this what it is? Is this how life is supposed to be? Maybe it works for some people, but I just know this isn't life for me. It feels like I'm slowly killing myself by succumbing to this way of
living that we all seem to be trapped in for the sake of survival.
My take?
Based on similar questions and responses all over Reddit, this is as common as wasps at a picnic.
And it goes to show:
When it comes to getting the most out of life, energy has a huge role to play.
It’s why Day 3 of Time Conqueror (the short,
email based time management course I’m promoting this week) is all about how to manage your energy.
And how to increase it, even if you’re bone-tired or falling asleep at your desk.
In particular, I talk about
a scientifically proven yet completely counter-intuitive way to get more energy in real-time, as and when you’re in the middle of your tasks.
This method has nothing to do with pumping yourself up, playing music, downing cans of Red Bull laced with nootropics or propping your eyes open with cocktail sticks.
It’s much simpler than all that.
So simple, in fact, that I used it as I wrote this email.
And all I can say is that, for me, this “hack” 100%
In Time Conqueror I reveal all in 28 short, sharp words. Plus I include a link to the study which backs it up so those inclined can gorge on the gory details.
If you’re interested:
Checkout closes at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November. So now's not the time to
- Tom
p.s. Anyone who joins Time Conqueror before the deadline will receive a valuable audio bonus I recorded recently all about over-thinking.
I'm calling this bonus the Busymind Buster.
But beware:
The production values for this bonus are…how shall I say this?.....
Almost non-existent.
I recorded the audio by the canal. The wind is howling in the background and there’s even one point where you can hear a boat tootling past.
As you might gather, the audio is completely pared back and off-the-cuff.
So don’t expect any bells & whistles. If you’re the sort of person who’d rather own a turd coated in glitter than a diamond wrapped in a crumpled copy of last week’s Daily Mirror, this isn’t the bonus for you.
For everyone else:
What you can expect is a short little audio (it clocks in at just under 19 mins) where I spill the beans on a few things that have really helped me (and might help you) when it comes to overthinking less.
Plus I give a couple of extremely practical tips which anyone can use right here, right now to get out of their head and into the world.
One last time:
The only way to get a copy of the Busymind Buster bonus is by joining Time Conqueror before the deadline at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November.
Here’s the link:
If you've already joined a previous version of Time Conqueror, this bonus is available to you too. Just reply to this email with the word “gimme!” and I’ll send it right over.
And if you’d like to re-join Time Conqueror as an alumni for a second time (or, for the keen beans, a third time) just reply to this email with “sign me up!” and I’ll add you to the challenge.
The same deadline (2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November)
applies for both.