Here are a few time management and productivity tips from the rich, the famous, the good, the bad and the ugly:
*** Elon Musk chunks his day into 5-minute increments
*** Jack Dorsey uses “themed days” to stop himself getting side-tracked
*** Ariana Huffington begins each day with 20 to 30 minutes of meditation
*** Gwyneth Paltrow schedules every hour of her week before the week begins
*** Victoria Beckham matches the colour of her clothes to the tasks she’s working on
*** Barack Obama has removed all “unnecessary
decisions” from his life (e.g. what he wears)
And my suggestion for you is this:
Ignore every single one of these “tips”.
Here’s why:
Not only would following all these tips leave you absolutely EXHAUSTED…
But more to the point:
When it comes to time management, there is no cut and paste. What works for you will not work for someone else. And vice versa.
The list itself shows this. These heavy hitters all have their own favourite way of doing things. The way that works best for them.
So what matters most is what works best for you.
Hence Time Conqueror, the time management challenge I’m promoting this week.
challenge isn't meant for mollycoddled namby-pambies who want to be spoon-fed all the answers. If that's what you're after then Google is your friend.
Instead, the challenge requires thinking and reflection.
Each day of the
challenge contains prompts and questions to help you get crystal clear on what works best for you and your life.
You could call it the keys to your very own, personalised time management action plan.
And I cannot do this
introspection for you any more than I can dream your dreams for you.
Checkout for the challenge closes at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November.
So time’s a tickin’.
Here’s the link to find out more:
- Tom
p.s. Anyone who joins Time Conqueror before the deadline will receive a valuable audio bonus I recorded recently all about over-thinking.
I'm calling this bonus the Busymind
But beware:
The production values for this bonus are…how shall I say this?.....
I recorded the audio by the canal. The wind is howling in the background and there’s even one point where you can hear a boat tootling past.
As you might gather, the audio is completely pared back and
So don’t expect any bells & whistles. If you’re the sort of person who’d rather own a turd coated in glitter than a diamond wrapped in a crumpled copy of last week’s Daily Mirror, this isn’t the bonus for you.
For everyone else:
What you can expect is a short little audio (it clocks in at just under 19 mins) where I spill the beans on a few things that have really helped me (and might help you) when it comes to overthinking less.
Plus I give a couple of extremely practical tips which anyone can use right here, right now to get out of their head and into the world.
One last time:
The only way to get a copy of the Busymind Buster bonus is
by joining Time Conqueror before the deadline at 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November.
Here’s the link:
If you've already joined a previous version of Time Conqueror, this bonus is available to you too. Just reply to this email with the word “gimme!” and I’ll send it right over.
And if you’d like to re-join Time Conqueror as an alumni for a second time (or, for the keen beans, a third time) just reply to this email with “sign me up!” and I’ll add you to the challenge.
The same deadline (2pm PT / 5pm ET / 10pm UK time on Friday 24th November) applies for both.