As it’s Valentine’s Day, how about some thoughts on love?
A few weeks back, I hopped on a group coaching call with the American coach Michael Neill.
And Michael said something about love which stopped me in my tracks.
He was describing the notion of being “in love”.
To me, being “in love” conjures up ideas of a certain kind of connection between two people, with “love” being the name of that connection.
Based on this, you could say that “in love” implies a subject/object relationship.
But Michael described the phrase “in love” very differently.
He likened love to a hot tub.
And went on to say that when two people are in love together, it’s almost like being in the hot tub
This way, love isn’t only a connection between one person and another.
It’s not just a subject/object relationship.
Instead, we can also think of love as the space in which two people can bask, explore, play, rest and connect together. Just like two people can be in a supermarket, in an airport or in hot tub – they can also be in love.
I thought this whole idea was fascinating.
For 37 years I’d heard the words “in love” one way. Until this call a couple of weeks ago when I heard these two tiny words in a completely different way for the first time in my life.
Anyway, I’m not trying to make a big
point about love today.
I’m making a different point.
Which is this:
Whether it’s
love, work, happiness, money, stress, living the life of your dreams or anything else, there’s always more to see about how life works.
And as we see more, over time, the way we relate to life and the way we live our lives might start to change.
This is another way of describing the essence of transformative coaching.
The more you see, the more life starts to flow.
And coaching is a way to spark this.
If you’d love to find out more, here’s where to go:
That’s all for today.
- Tom