During the depths of lockdown, I took part in Tony Robbins’ 4-day Unleash the Power Within personal development programme.
And it was a surreal experience.
One of the theories Big Tony vigorously bangs on about is how our emotions impact our actions.
The more we raise our emotions, says Tony, the more likely we are to tap into the behaviours we want to.
This process of raising emotions is what Tony calls “getting in state”.
And state-building activities are a core part of the programme.
At various points during the 4 days I jumped up and down, fist-pumped the air, posed like Superman and danced to chart-toppers by The Weeknd, Sia and Eminem which were mercilessly pumped through my screen.
As everything was virtual, I could glance at my laptop and see thousands of people all over the world clapping, twerking,
playing air guitars and generally making a spectacle of themselves too.
One woman was even swinging an inflatable palm tree round her head.
Quite the sight.
After each state-building session, sweat dripped from my brow and my heart pumped so fiercely I could hear it beating.
But I was also buzzing.
the end of the 4 days, I felt like I could climb Everest, become a billionaire and solve world peace all before the next weekend rolled around.
Alas, I didn’t put any of these to the test.
And as the days went on, this
state of euphoria started to wane.
Until, a few days later, I was back to square one.
This is the biggest problem I have with events like Tony’s.
Throughout the event, the energy & spirit is so palpable and intoxicating that most attendees feel like they can achieve anything.
Then the event ends and life goes back to normal.
Until, perhaps, you go to your next event and get that “hit” all over again.
But here’s the thing:
You don’t need to attend events like these or engage in state-building activities to
find that buzz.
In fact, you don’t need to go anywhere or do anything.
There’s a deep vitality and radiant aliveness flowing through you right now, as you read these words.
And thinking that this energy is only available by clapping, pumping the air or shaking your booty to the latest Taylor Swift smash-hit is a problem, to my mind, if it starts to obscure the fact that this same energy is what we’re all made from.
So it’s not a question
of doing anything.
It’s a question of waking up to the nature of who you already are.
Helping people see this and experience it for themselves is an aspect of coaching I love.
If you’re ready to begin:
That’s all for today.
- Tom