Yesterday I wrote about why I went back to the 9 to 5.
And this leads me nicely onto an announcement I’m making today:
I’m about to put up my price for
At the moment, it’s £150 for 3 coaching sessions with me. As of 5pm GMT on Monday 11th March, the price is going up to £500 for 3 sessions.
I’m putting the price up for a couple of reasons.
First off: now I’m back in the 9 to 5, I have much less time than I used to. And I want to be a lot more careful about how I spend the time I do have.
Second, I’m a more impactful coach than I was a year ago (and even 3 months ago, when I finished my 7 month training with the American “supercoach” Michael Neill).
And last but not least (probably the main reason of all, in fact) is that £150 for 3 hours of transformative coaching is such a no-brainer price for what could be a life-changing experience that I’m beginning to ask myself why I set the figure this low in the first place!
Anyway, it is what it is.
I did think about just increasing the price overnight and being done with it.
But I want to play fair.
If you’ve been on my list for a while and you’ve been umming & ahhing about coaching, this is your last chance to grab my coaching at what is,
quite frankly, a ridiculously low price.
This is why I’m calling this offer The Last Chance Saloon, No-Brainer Coaching Bonanza.
At 5pm GMT on Monday 11th March, the price increases from £150 for 3 coaching sessions to £500 for 3 sessions.
If you want pull up a stool in the Last Chance Saloon before the price goes up, here’s where to go:
That’s all for today.
- Tom
p.s. If you’ve got questions, hit reply
and shoot me an email back