Let’s rewind the clock to December 2022.
On one of my daily dalliances on LinkedIn, I came across an advert for a program called Creating the Impossible.
Something about the ad caught my
eye. So I clicked through to the webpage.
As I read, I became more and more interested.
The program asked participants to choose an “impossible” project and guided them to bring this project to life over the
next 90 days.
The webpage gave examples of how people had used the program to create new jobs, new relationships and new income. How participants had lost weight, started non-profits, invented new products, left bad situations and broken unwanted habits.
And, in the process, created a whole new relationship with themselves.
I thought this sounded amazing.
But there was one thing holding me back:
The program was run by the American coach Michael Neill.
I’d already come across a few of Michael’s videos on YouTube.
I remember one video in particular where he talked about spirit and divine energy.
After giving the video 7 or 8 minutes of my time, I decided that these weren’t the topics for me. Not only did I not understand a word he was saying, but it all felt a bit too woo-woo and airy-fairy for my tastes.
So I moved on and mentally put Michael Neill on the “thanks, but no thanks” pile.
That was until I came across the Creating the Impossible webpage.
It sounded so interesting and so intriguing that I put my reservations to one side and joined the program.
And boy am I glad I did.
Over the
course of 90 days, Michael guided all the participants through various aspects of creation and the creative process.
But more than this, he talked about life and how life worked.
It was about halfway through the programme
that I had my first so-called HFMOG insight (Holy Fucking Mother of God insight) when I started to see how we create our own realities.
It truly felt like the rug had been pulled from beneath my feet.
The way I saw life
completely shifted. Everything looked different. And I knew there was no going back.
Michael Neill was the reason why.
In many ways life has been very much pre-MN and post-MN.
Since then, I’ve dived further into everything Michael has to offer, from his books, to his 10 minute podcasts, to 3 week long explorations about how life works, to a 7 month coaching training.
He also has an amazing community of people around him,
some of whom I’ve got to know well (and I’m grateful that I have).
Now, I could go on about how someone like Michael can create so much impact.
But there’s a more general point at play
And that’s the power of teaming up with a mentor or a guide.
Someone who knows the terrain and can point you in directions you might not have considered before.
Directions which can completely change your experience of life.
If you find yourself craving more balance, flow and ease in the office (and more generally in your life), then you might like to consider teaming up with me.
I know exactly what it’s like to be sat behind a screen feeling stressed, exhausted and fed up, day after day, week after week and month after month.
It really looked like there was no way out.
In large part thanks to my work with Michael Neill, I found the answers I was looking for. And now I help others to find the answers for themselves.
Here’s where to go to join forces:
Have a great weekend.
- Tom