Before I dive in, let me say this:
I worked with a therapist for 18 months. And I think it did some good.
So I’m not “anti-therapy”.
Nor would I ever suggest anyone not work with a therapist.
If you think therapy is the right option for you and
you’re benefitting, then why wouldn’t you work with a therapist?
Of course you would.
With that being said…
The therapy train has well & truly left the station and it’s picked up an almighty head of steam.
And it looks to me like there’s a common belief that the remedy for anyone who feels lost, stuck, or who has doubts, fears, worries or concerns is to jump aboard that train and hire a therapist.
Honestly speaking, I think this is using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.
A common synonym for therapy is “healing”. And in order to heal, clearly there need to be something damaged, wounded or broken.
But if you’re feeling lost, it doesn’t mean you’re damaged.
If you’re feeling stuck, it doesn’t follow that you’re wounded.
And if you have doubts, fears, worries or concerns, it doesn't mean you're broken.
In all likelihood, it just means you’re experiencing what it’s like to be human.
Even if you think
there’s something about you which is damaged, wounded or broken – really, deeply, truly think this – it doesn’t necessarily mean there is.
Just like thinking you’re an expert doesn't automatically mean you're an expert or thinking you're popular doesn’t always mean you’re popular.
It might just mean your thinking is off.
I’m not saying this is always true and I’m not saying no-one should go to therapy. I
want to be clear about this as I know the black-and-white brigade like to fly their lack of nuance like a victory flag.
What I’m saying is that it’s impossible to heal something which isn’t broken.
That’s the key
And if you’re reading this and feeling like you’re lacking direction or there are obstacles & challenges you’d like to overcome, it might not be a healing situation at all.
It might just be a thinking
situation. It might be time to change your relationship with your thinking instead.
Enter my coaching.
My coaching plays in the domain of thought, not in the domain of healing.
I won’t be poking around in your childhood or dredging up painful memories.
In fact, we won’t be looking into your past at all.
We’ll be looking into your future and playing with questions like “what would an amazing life look like?” and “what would you love to create?”.
And we’ll be exploring the role that your thoughts play in this.
If you’d like to join the waiting list:
- Tom