Want to know what riles me up?
I’ll tell you.
I get riled up by the grumps and grouches who rattle off shopping lists of reasons why someone else who has taken a chance, a step into the unknown or is trying something new might end up flat on their arse.
These people seem to take a depraved delight in warning plucky adventurers that if something new doesn’t work, it might
Well, no shit.
Thank you very much for your balanced and considered point of view on the matter, my little party pooper.
Yes, changing career involves some risk. So does moving to a new city, starting a business or ending a relationship.
These are just examples. But any change of direction involves risk. They're never slam-dunk, close-your-eyes-and-get-on-with-it types of decisions.
And anyone standing on the sidelines warbling about the risks is adding nothing to the conversation.
So when someone takes a chance to follow a path that feels right for them, overcomes all their own fears to do so and then gets
dumped with someone else’s fears as well…
Well – unless they have a skin thicker than an armadillo’s, it’s enough to make anyone want to throw in the towel before they even get started.
Ironically, it’s often the
people closest to us who are sneering loudest from the sidelines.
In a lot of ways, I can see why.
These are the people who love you most, have your best interests at heart and want you to be safe.
Thus, not take risks.
And they know you so well, they know just what to say and which buttons to push. So their sneering can be very persuasive.
But these mood hoovers and negative nancies have missed something obvious:
The biggest risk of all is standing still. And looking back in 30 years thinking “I wish I’d done something different”. Or even “why on earth did I listen to that person!”
One way to neutralise the squealing and the sledging?
Find your cheerleaders. The people who energise & galvanise you.
That's my two pennies' worth for today.
Speaking of cheerleaders:
Coaches and cheerleaders have a lot in common.
Sure, the methods are different. But the objective is almost identical.
It’s all in aid of getting the best out of someone.
If you’d like to
read more about my coaching:
That’s all for today.
- Tom