If you believe the gloomy headlines, World War 3 is hurtling towards us.
12 months, maybe 24 months tops.
Some doom merchants are arguing it’s already started.
To be honest, I don’t care all that much about when World War 3 begins. I’ll let the armchair history buffs go nuts with this one.
I care more about how to stop it.
To tee this up, a quick backstory.
I’ve always wondered why pursuing “fulfilment” grabbed me more than the pursuit of happiness, peace or
I think I might’ve found the answer to this question a few nights back while consulting a sophisticated and deeply insightful resource known as YouTube.
I came across a video from Rupert “The Spiralizer”
In this video, The Spiralizer talked about fulfilment.
He described fulfilment as the quality of completeness. Of being whole. As a space or state where we’ve got everything we could possibly want or ask
for, and where doing anything to find more happiness or to be more “okay” with life makes no sense because we’re in that place already.
Hearing The Spiralizer articulate things this way has helped me put some meat on the fulfilment bone.
And it resonates.
This space feels like a worthwhile goal to me.
Not just a worthwhile goal, but the ultimate goal.
This might sound self-centred.
But let me ask you this:
If we lived in a world where people felt no sense of lack, how do you think they’d treat
How would they treat others?
And what would this mean for hatred, prejudice, intolerance, hostility, discrimination, division and conflict?
Does that sound self-centred to you?
To me it sounds the exact opposite.
Which prompts the question:
Am I claiming that following fulfilment is the way to stop World War 3?
Well, what I’m suggesting is that the more people who reach this place of completeness, or who see that this place exists & that it’s possible to reach even if they never do
reach it, and who wake up to the reality of where to find this place (hint: it doesn’t come from bending the world over your knee and trying to make it conform), the more tolerance, understanding and peace there’d be.
And I know I can help with this.
In fact, it’s right up my alley. It’s another way to describe where I'm aiming with my coaching.
I hope & expect that the more people who see this for themselves (whether it’s through coaching or any other way) will simply be unable NOT to share the joy, love & peace which comes
with it, to such an extent that all the cynics and doubting Thomases won’t have any option but to realise that this isn’t pie in the sky wishful thinking, but an honest-to-God open and shut case.
We shall see.
Anyway. Enough evangelising for now.
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That’s all for today.
- Tom