Let's talk about luck.
How to get lots of it.
And, how to engineer it so you are never without it.
On this note:
I'm not a big superhero guy. But I do enjoy the Batman movies.
Recently I rewatched The Dark Knight.
There's a character in the movie called Harvey Dent who uses a coin that has heads on both sides. It's his way of telling the world that he makes his own luck. (Later when he becomes the villain Two Face, one of the
sides is scratched and he flips the coin to decide whether someone should live or die - but that's an email for another time!).
Anyway, a lot of people think "luck" doesn't exist.
But it does. Like Harvey shows, you
can create it yourself.
There's a real, non-mystical way to do this that doesn't involve double-headed coins.
And it's by following this tried-and-tested formula:
Preparation + Opportunity = Luck
Fact is, most successful people are almost always accused of being "lucky" by their friends, families, colleagues and everyone else (especially if you measure success by material things). But those people didn't see the years of
hard work, the hundreds of rejections & failures, and all the other intangibles that went into that success.
All they saw was the so-called overnight success.
And then they call it "lucky".
In a way, they're right.
These people are lucky.
But it's not random luck.
Personally, I'd call it controlled luck.
It's simply being smart and diligent enough to prepare as best you can while working hard to put yourself in the path of opportunity.
So if you want to be lucky, why not try the formula above?
My coaching can help with this too.
In many ways my coaching is a "preparation + opportunity"
one-two combo.
It's preparation in the sense that it can help you get to know yourself better (the ultimate form of preparation as far as I'm concerned, no matter what you're up to in the world).
And it's opportunity in
the sense that it could open up new options and possibilities for you.
If you're ready to luck out:
That's all for today.
- Tom