It’s my birthday tomorrow.
(cue confetti and cake!)
To celebrate, I’m changing things up in my email today.
This week I’ve sent my normal daily emails, but with a twist:
Each email has a hidden “present”.
That present is a movie title which I’ve smuggled into the body of the email right under your unsuspecting noses.
So here’s my challenge to you:
Can you find the movie titles I’ve hidden in my emails this week?
There’s one movie title in each email, including today’s.
Each movie title is at least two words long. So don’t
go cheeky on me by claiming movies like “Up” or “It”.
And they’re not obscure movies. They’re the usual suspects.
If you’re struggling, I suggest starting with yesterday’s email (How to make your own
luck). Even a blind bat in a pitch-black cave would be able to spot the movie title in that email.
Best news of all?
I have a prize for the first two people to email me back with the five movie
That prize is a copy of my new book.
My yet unwritten, unedited, unnamed book – but my new book nonetheless.
Consider this prize your very own pre-order.
So what are you waiting for?
Once you’ve found the five movie titles, hit reply and let me know. The clock starts now.
That’s it for today.
Have a great weekend.