Have you seen the Instagram account Disappointing Affirmations?
For anyone who wants a gentle nod of encouragement, an arm wrapped around them or a nudge in the right direction, I suggest
you stay well clear of this account.
Disappointing Affirmations contains such gems of wisdom as:
*** You are enough. Not the best, but you’ll do
*** Today I’m taking control of my emotions. I’m choosing to have a meltdown
*** You are never alone. You always have your regrets and disappointments to keep you company
And my favourite of all:
*** I’m exactly where I want to be. At home, avoiding people
For someone like me who loves an Irish goodbye, relishes
being cut off from the outside world and who’s idea of a perfect weekend is having a diary packed full of absolutely nothing (what I call “being busy not being busy”), this is an affirmation that yours-introvertedly can wholeheartedly get behind.
I’m not sure I have much more to add to such motivational words on this wet & windy Friday
Except to say:
I’m planning to rev up my own social media malarkies.
Starting tomorrow with a milestone celebration on LinkedIn, my platform of choice.
If you want to join in the celebrations, shoot me a connection request here:
Have a great weekend.
- Tom