Something I don’t see other coaches talking about all that much:
Personal development can be unquestionably destabilising.
And, in many cases, lead to a bucketloads of uncertainty, confusion and conflict.
Some examples to bring this to life:
*** Personal development
leads to change and change can be disruptive
*** It usually means putting yourself first and doing less people pleasing (which, of course, will naturally please other people less)
*** You could start to question why you
made certain decisions in the past
*** Once you start, it’s difficult to stop. A 2 minute clip of Tony Robbins on YouTube could lead to signing up to one of his programs, then another, and another…. (the ol’ Tony Snowball Effect)
*** You might start to lose interest in the things you thought made you “you”
Plenty more where these came from too.
And the way I see it, there’s no point beating around the
It’s best to be upfront about all this.
I’d much rather anyone taking the plunge into personal development or more formal coaching does so with their eyes wide open.
Truth of the matter is most people simply don’t want to put themselves through all this.
And if that’s you, that’s all gravy. At least you’re being honest with yourself. Much simpler to decide that you’re never going to grasp the nettle
than always wondering if you might do.
My sneaky suspicion?
If you’re part of the merry clan who still has more than a passing interest in these matters, none of the above will be all that surprising.
In fact, those 5 bullet points might not even look like problems to you.
They might look like upsides rather than downsides.
Taking each in turn:
*** The more you explore the world of personal development, the more how you see, view, approach and relate to other people, problems, situations and life generally will fundamentally change for the better
*** Putting yourself first is the best way to care for your loved ones (you'll be there for others in a way you could never be before)
*** You’ll start to make decisions in the future with more clarity and ease
*** Once you get glimpses of what’s possible – of the happiness and peace that are available to you (and to everyone) – it won’t make sense to not keep exploring. Big Tony might also start to rankle (another upside)
*** Your life will align more closely to the interests, passions and overall direction of the real, authentic
you – the things which actually set your soul on fire
The more anyone delves into the world of genuine, transformative personal development, the less these downsides start to look like problems and the more they start to look like adventures, opportunities and the reasons you’re exploring this world in the first place.
If you're curious, this is where the adventure begins:
- Tom