Frogs on a log
Published: Mon, 07/17/23
It’s riddle time. See if your savvy brain can solve this one: 5 frogs are sitting on a log. 4 of the frogs decide to jump off. How many frogs are…
Published: Mon, 07/17/23
It’s riddle time. See if your savvy brain can solve this one: 5 frogs are sitting on a log. 4 of the frogs decide to jump off. How many frogs are…
Published: Fri, 07/14/23
I had NO idea what I was doing when I started posted on LinkedIn. I was using big, clunky, impressive-sounding words… I was telling long and flowery…
Published: Thu, 07/13/23
I was outraged. It was Friday morning and an email had just dropped into my inbo, “volunteering” me to help out on a brand new project. And I couldn’t…
Published: Wed, 07/12/23
Back when I was gainfully employed, I noticed a funny phenomenon that took place after hours, usually in whispers over a pint or when going for a…
Published: Tue, 07/11/23
Here's the question: What does Microsoft see as its core strength? In other words… If Microsoft created a list called “here’s what our company does…
Published: Mon, 07/10/23
Friday’s email about introverts and e troverts got some tongues wagging. And one response, from newsletter subscriber Vlad Adrian Iancu, was flying…
Published: Fri, 07/07/23
By my estimation (very rough of course), at least 75% of the people I worked with back in the day were e troverts. The sort of people who grab…
Published: Thu, 07/06/23
I’m not sure if this is normal or not. But back when I was employed, my iPhone alarm would usually let rip at 7am. And by the time I’d fumbled around…
Published: Wed, 07/05/23
(Spoiler alert! If you haven’t watched the TV show Succession or you’re working your way through it, this email contains spoilers galore. So look away…
Published: Tue, 07/04/23
Last Thursday I made a new post on LinkedIn, all about over-thinking and how to find a quieter mind. My posts have been doing well recently. 1,000+…