Following Fulfilment

How to get my coaching for free

Published: Wed, 04/17/24

I don’t think this offer will be relevant for most readers. But for a small few it could be just the ticket. Here’s the deal: I want to keep growing…

I try my first ice bath (photo inside)

Published: Tue, 04/16/24

I know what you're thinking: Has Tom finally joined the band of personal development dimfluencers haunting the unholy corners of Dimstagram? And does…

Time to think about the creeping nanny state

Published: Mon, 04/15/24

Some cheery news from the world of UK politics: Scotland’s new Hate Crimes Act kicked in just over two weeks ago. If you’re based in the UK, you’ll…

Thoughts about thoughts

Published: Tue, 04/09/24

Thought creates our world, and then says “I didn’t do it” - David Bohm I’m running a series of Mindset Workshops at work as part of a wider Culture &…


Published: Mon, 04/08/24

I was flicking around the internet this morning, as I often do, and came across a curious snippet of Welsh-related tomfoolery. You may or may not know…

To be clear: I am not in Nepal!

Published: Tue, 04/02/24

The responses rolled in after yesterday’s email. A few thoughtful well-wishers emailed me to say safe travels or how great my trip sounded.But that…

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